Assignment: NSW Office of Veterans’ Affairs



The NSW Office of Veterans Affairs is required to be transparent on the allocation of the NSW Communities War Memorials Fund. The fund’s purpose is to conserve, repair and protect the state’s war memorials.

My role

Working as an Engagement and Communications Officer, my role was to promote the Communities War Memorials Fund on social media to increase awareness of the program.

Below are four Facebook posts where I was able to incrementally increase the awareness of the NSW War Memorials Fund by improving social media post engagement through storytelling. Social media posts within this content pillar that included a storytelling element had an approximately 75% increase in engagement than simple direct messaging.

Future content opportunities

Opportunities for community participation in future content development include:

  • Seeking stories attached to memorials from local communities to share with the public
  • Encouraging people to contribute their families’ histories to the register
  • Encouraging photographers to contribute photos to the register
  • Working closely with local community groups such as councils and RSL Clubs to collaborate on participation
  • Linking the physical location of the memorials to the information resources available on the website

NSW residents are encouraged to learn about and share their local military history by visiting the NSW War Memorials Register.

Within this role, I enjoyed sharing the below information on the inclusive learning programs that the Anzac Memorial runs.

During COVID-19 lockdowns the Anzac Memorial Team and the NSW Office of Veterans Affairs Team were unable to promote their work in illuminating the memorial for Anzac Day 2020. We were still able to celebrate the great work and share its significance by putting together the below post to bring in the new year and thank the lighting team! It was one of the most engaging posts of the month.

Let’s work together